Saturday, December 16, 2023

Hippie Christmas Lights


Ode to the Weird, 

The Hippie Christmas is here

37th Street Lights

Are always a Delight.

With its Unicorn Sleigh

and its

Stuffed Animal Petting Zoo

It is a Hippie Christmas just

for you.

As you can see, 

even Jean-Luc Picard

is there to salute 

the Trekkie in you.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Black Eye Friday

For many years, I have called Black Friday "Black Eye Friday". It's the day after Thanksgiving when people shop and shop until they drop looking for the best deals. People can get pretty rough and start pushing and shoving and sometimes they start wrestling to get what they want.  It's almost like a WWE wrestling match.  People forget all their manners and tempers can flare. Finding parking is a mess and the shopping lines can be extra long.  It's just the day after Thanksgiving and it seems people have already forgotten about kindness and what they are grateful for.  My rule is "Never Go Shopping on Black Friday", I avoid it like the plague. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Pika's Corner: Halloween 2023


Hello friends and fans.  It's been a while since I communicated with all of you.  My fair lady, Ms. Hello Kitty and I have been busy with our careers. We will be taking a little break to go to this year's Pokemon Network Halloween Custom Party.  We are looking forward to seeing all our Pokemon friends even though from time to time they can be an unruly bunch,  This year we will be going as Pika Gomez and Kitty Morticia. Hopefully the Pokemon crowd will be on their best behavior. Pika Gomez and Kitty Morticia will be there to spice up the party and WIN (fingers crossed) the custom contest.  Wish us luck.  

Have a Happy and Safe Halloween!!

Monday, September 4, 2023

The Onion Ring Story

The other day I was talking to a friend who I know since middle school and we were remembering and laughing about the time when I had a crush on this boy and he had a crush on me. One day some of the kids in our class went to eat to a burger joint. To my surprise, the boy I liked pulled out an onion ring and said in a serious voice:  Would you like to marry me?  His friend who was sitting next to him stared at him like he was crazy. I froze for a little while not knowing what to say and my cheeks turned pink, but then we all started to laugh, a nervous laugh.  Oh boy, I knew everyone was probably going to tease us.  Sixth grade was going to be a long road. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Nature of Friendship


Nature of Friendship


Friendship can be like a seed,

It can grow and change,

It can change and rearrange,

It can get strong and bloom.


Friendship can be like a rainforest,

It can be soothing like nature's sounds,

It can be peaceful like the rain,

It can be warm and inviting.


Friendship can be like a storm,

It can be loud and confusing,

It can have thundering words,

It can have lighting emotions.

It can get calm after the storm.


Friendship can be like a volcano,

It can get hot tempers erupting,

It can have toxic feelings,

One can feel the smoking anger,

It can explode and be destructive.

Friday, June 16, 2023

My Time as a Smurfette

Recently,  I purchased a very cute blue shirt.   After wearing it for a day, I got home and when I took it off my whole body was blue. Not cool.  The dye of the shirt had turned me blue, just like a Smurfette.  I immediately went to take a shower but it still was not completely coming off my skin.  I still looked blue for another day.  Only after two loooooong showers, it finally came all off. I did not know whether to laugh or cry. I was not ready to live my life as a Smurfette, even though she is pretty cute. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

My first and only time as a thrill seeker


When I was in 6th grade, my class went to a camp retreat called T Bar M for a couple of days.  There you could go on canoes, swim and climb a rock wall and go on a zip line.  We did trust building exercises and other fun activities.  When it came time to climb the rock wall and go down the zip line some of us were ready to do it, others were not sure and some decided not to do it at all.  I was a little bit scared but at the same time I wanted to do it to get over the fear. They had a lot of safety belts and spotters and people to coach you how to go up safely.  Still, the rock wall looked very high and scary.  I don't know how I managed to get the courage to go up, but I did it.  The view from the top was beautiful.  Then I had to go and do the zip line because that is the only way to get down. I started going down and it went very fast, kind of like a roller coaster.  It was scary but exiting. When I think about it now, I don't know how I did that.  I would never do that again.  Never!