My sister dropped off my nephew, Mini Piks, for me to babysit. It's my first time babysitting this little Pokemon and I am nervous, so I'm calling backup. I thought to ask my fair lady, Ms. Hello Kitty to teach me and help me with this rambunctious little one. Her first advice was to put Mini Piks on a schedule for eating and napping. That sounded like a good advice until I tried to enforce it on Mini Piks. What a disaster! Little Mini Piks is a bit mischievous, he runs around non stop and he does not want to listen to me. I'm so exhausted. This business of babysitting is a LOT of work. Also, my fair lady did not have pity on me. She left me alone so I'm now sinking in quick sand. Wish me luck, I hope to survive this little Mini Picks.
Cute but at least you can send him home at the end of the day